Tuesday, August 4, 2020

I've made a decision about professional sports

I've never been a fan of professional basketball, but I have spent a lot of time watching baseball on TV, especially when the Reds were playing. I've been to the Reds ballpark a number of times even though they haven't been a very good team in recent years. Likewise, I've watched many professional football games on Sunday afternoons. That has all ended since professional sports has decided to no longer honor our flag and support an organization that has brought much damage and violence to our nation.

During the Vietnam war I served four years in the US Navy and was proud to do so. I made two trips to Vietnam on board the USS Enterprise. When I enlisted I took an oath to defend our country and our constitution. I love this country even though it isn't perfect. I also love our flag and all it represents. I have zero respect for those who do not.

It is a shame schools quit teaching American Civics because we now have people who vote who know nothing about how our country is set up and how it functions. We have college graduates who know nothing about our nation's history. They have sat under professors who filled their minds with socialist propaganda and who told them how evil our nation has been since its founding. Socialism has never worked anywhere except in a college classroom, and it never will.

Professional athletes who have been pampered all their lives because of their athletic talents earn millions each year from a society they want to destroy. Those millions will have to come from someone else because I have no intention of buying another ticket or team memorabilia or do anything else that will put a nickle in their coffers. Maybe if enough other people make the same decision, team owners will begin to understand that Americans will not support the things that want to tear down the country we love.

Every organization that sponsors these teams need to know that they don't have to worry about being boycotted. Since we are not watching the games we don't see the commercials. The millions of dollars they spend on advertising is being wasted because many of us don't know who is running ads on these games. I hope advertisers are getting really cheap rates for their commercials since fewer people are seeing them.

As a veteran I defended the rights of people to make decisions about how they would conduct themselves. If you want to kneel during the playing of the national anthem, you have every right to do so, and I would never support any attempt to deny you that right. But, I also have the right to choose how I will respond to you exercising that right, and I choose to ignore you, to write you off as irrelevant to my life.

I choose to support the vast majority of police officers who do a great job of protecting the citizens of this nation. I choose to support those organizations that love our nation and respect what it stands for. When the national anthem is played I will proudly stand and salute our flag and give it the respect it deserves. I choose to vote for persons who are dedicated to making this nation better regardless of their political affiliation. I choose to honor God with my life, and I pray that He will send a revival that will once again turn this nation back to values it once had.

What choices will you make about how you will support this great nation of ours? Just remember, choices have consequences.

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