Why would he not want to be made well? Why else did Jesus think he spent time at this pool? Anyone in their right mind would prefer well-being over illness, wouldn't they? What is really interesting is that the man never answered the question. Rather, he offered an excuse. He didn't have anyone to help him into the pool and someone always got in the water first. He was depending on someone else to help him become well. Frankly, it sounds like a lot of people today.
We live in a land of unbelievable opportunity. We have freedoms that people living in other country will never know. We have opportunities that do not exist anywhere else for people to do amazing things with their lives. But, we have a significant percentage of our population waiting on someone else to take care of them. They depend on a government check to provide them with the bare necessities of life instead of taking advantage of the opportunities available to them to rise about that.
The government is discussing another providing another check to Americans due to so many out of work while at the same time companies are trying hard to hire new workers. People are demanding that additional money be added to unemployment checks which, in many cases, provide more income than they were making when they were working. Exactly how does that provide any incentive for someone to look for a job when they can sit home and make more than they would working. Others are demanding that minimum wage be raised. Why does anyone want to remain in a minimum-wage job anyway? Minimum wage jobs are there to help people get work experience so they can go out and find better employment.
As a senior in high school I started a minimum wage job at .75 an hour. Before graduating I had asked for and received pay raises that increased my salary to 1.25 an hour. Just a few weeks before graduating I requested another .25 an hour which was refused, so I quit and went to work for another business the next week for 1.50 an hour. As soon as I turned 18 I went to work for another company at almost twice that salary. No one needs the government to guarantee them a living wage if they are willing to advance themselves and do what it takes to deserve a higher salary. To break the chains of helplessness one must break his dependence on others to provide for him. Becoming mature occurs when we begin to take responsibility for ourselves.
While many people are dependent on the government for their income, many more are dependent upon credit to maintain their lifestyle. There is a reason it's called Mastercard. As long as one is dependent on credit it will be your master. Talk about helplessness! Look how long it took for the pandemic to cost people their jobs before they began to scream that they couldn't pay their bills, they couldn't pay their mortgage or rent, they couldn't buy groceries. We were in the greatest economic boom in decades, and yet millions of people were living paycheck to paycheck with nothing in reserve. Why? I imagine it was because many of them had more money going out each month than they had coming, and they made up the difference with plastic.
Do you want to be made well? If financial distress is making you feel helpless maybe it's time for plastic surgery. Like a lot of physical healing that occurs, there might be some temporary discomfort, but it will be worth it when you begin to heal financially. If you need help getting out of debt and achieving financial security, check out the plan Dave Ramsey promotes in his best-selling book
The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
You can go through life feeling helpless or you can find healing for every aspect of your life. The choice is yours, but remember, choices have consequences.
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