Thursday, July 16, 2020

You only get one chance at life

As I watch the news each evening I am often saddened at what people experience in life and the things they do to themselves. We may not have much control over things that other people do to us or some events that happen, but we do have control over many of the things that occur in our lives, especially as adults. When we make bad choices in life we can expect bad results. For some people, that sums up much of their lives. One poor choice after another resulting in one bad result after another. Life is too short to live like that. You only get one chance at life so why not make the best of it?

There are people living their entire lives on government assistance. In fact, there are generations of families who know nothing but waiting each month for their government check to come in to provide them with subsistence living. Why would anyone choose to live like that? Right now a lot of businesses are closed and people are out of work, but this is an unusual situation brought about by a pandemic. But, even now, there are jobs for people who want to work. You say, "Not where I live." Then move. During the Great Depression people moved across the country seeking employment and taking whatever jobs they could find to support themselves and their families. You may say, "I don't have the training." Many of these jobs will train the person who wants to work. A friend of mine told me a couple of years ago he couldn't fill all the open jobs in his company. When I asked if people lacked training he explained he would gladly train someone.

Perhaps you have a physical reason that makes it difficult t work. Read the book What's Your Excuse?: Making the Most of What You Have by John Foppe. He was born with no arms but graduated college in 3 1/2 years, became an artist and travels the world as a motivational speaker. Refusing to allow his handicap define him, he was determined to honor God with his life. This past weekend I saw a similar example. At an auction I noticed a man missing both arms and one leg. I learned he was born that way. He was walking around the auction buying parts he could use in his business. He bought a lot leading me to think he has a pretty solid business. He and Foppe both understand they only have one life, and they are determined to live it the best they can.

How many people do you know holding hatred and unforgiveness towards other people? What a horrible way to live out the remainder of your life. Your unforgiveness doesn't affect them one bit, but it does a lot of emotional and physical damage to you. Let it go so you can be free to enjoy life.

We may never know the damage that has been to countless lives and families due to drug and alcohol abuse. The broken marriages, the lost jobs, the deaths, the crime, the pain brought about by these substances cannot be truly measured. Lives wasted by persons waiting for their next fix or their next drink run into the millions around the world. All seeking a high that will never satisfy. You only get one chance at life so why waste it on something so temporal?

I want to encourage you to consider the choices you've made in the past. Probably some of them weren't very good. I know that's true for me. But, what is more important that the choices you've made in the past are the ones you will make in the future. If you make better choices you will get better results, and that one life you've been given will be richer and more satisfying for it.

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