Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Choose the America in which you want to live

2020 has been one of the worst years in American history perhaps since the Civil War. At no other time have we as a nation been more divided. This division began in earnest when President Trump was elected. Even before assuming office Democrats were talking about how to impeach him. We have seen millions of dollars spent on that very purpose and countless wasted hours in legislative hearings all to reach the inevitable conclusion that he had done nothing worthy of impeachment. The hatred and division that existed in this country has done nothing but intensify since them bringing us to another election year and increased efforts from the radical left to ensure he is not re-elected.

In major cities we see increased violence, calls for dismantling the police, the tearing down of statues, disrespect towards the American flag, the burning down of homes and businesses by domestic terrorists, shootings and other violence directed towards innocent people, the ambushes of police officers and other acts of terrorism that the political leaders in those cities seem unable or unwilling to stop. Is this America or pre-Nazi Germany?

As baseball season finally opened up we were confronted with many players kneeling during the playing of the national anthem. I grew up loving baseball and still do, but I love our country more. If these overpaid athletes don't appreciate the opportunities they've been given living in this country, I have no use for them. I quit watching the NFL when they started that foolishness, and I can live without MLB as well. Maybe if these guys had spent some time in the military instead of being coddled on college campuses and given big contracts they would appreciate our nation and the sacrifices many have made to keep us safe. I choose America over pampered professional athletes.

Across the country people are demanding the police be defunded. How stupid is that? It is the police who protect law abiding citizens from the criminal element. Do away with the police and crime will skyrocket even higher. Yes, there have been bad cops just as there are bad persons in any line of work, but most cops do a wonderful job of serving the public.  I support our local police departments and all they do. I choose to honor our law enforcement officials and will support them any way I can.

It's fine to have different political views and to debate and discuss them, especially during an election year. But, I don't think this election is about politics. It's about the kind of America we want to live in. Will we be a nation of laws and freedoms, or will we become another socialist country when those freedoms guaranteed to us in our Constitution are taken away from us? Will we be a nation of economic freedom where anyone who is willing to work can earn a good living, or will we become a nation of scarcity and where people are dependent upon government subsidies to survive? Will we be a nation that enjoys religious freedom, or will we see our churches and synagogues shut down at the whim of some government official? I will always choose to live in an America that offers freedom to all people.

Each of us will have to choose for ourselves the America in which we want to live. This election will be critical as it will set the direction for our nation for years to come. Set aside the soundbites you hear on social media and the various news programs. They all, conservative and liberal, have their spin on every story. Look at what you can actually see and hear, and then choose for yourself the America in which you want to live.

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